“An update on the Garden Suite for you. As promised, I said I’d keep you in the loop and that I would update you if there was anything to say.
“This week I’ve been speaking to the Acute Trust because, as you may remember, they told us that, “in the summer,” they will make a decision about the permanent future location of the Garden Suite. I’ve been told this week that this decision won’t be made in July.
“Once again the Trust told me this week that the move to Kidderminster remains “temporary” and that, before any final decision is made about a permanent future location, the Trust will ensure they listen to the views of patients. Of course, I’ll hold the Trust’s feet to the fire and ensure they listen to patients who are using this service.
“As I’ve said before, I’ve been inundated with emails with feedback from patients and their families who are all totally opposed to the suggestion from health bosses that the Garden Suite could stay in Kidderminster permanently. This would result in there being no chemotherapy service at the Alex. Ideally we should have these vital services at all our hospitals in Worcestershire.
“I’ve always been clear that temporary must mean temporary and that this vital service must be provided at the Alex as it was before the pandemic. I’m continuing to do everything I can to ensure this happens.
“As soon as I know when health bosses will make their final decision I will let you know immediately.”