Writing in this week’s Redditch Standard (November 19th), Rachel said:
“I know the news of the changes to the delivery of trauma services at the Alexandra Hospital will once again raise questions about the future of the Alex.
“I will be meeting with the Minister of State for Health later this month to discuss recent developments at the Alex.
“But, given Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust’s complete failure to communicate with residents about these changes, coupled with the Trust’s failure to present a positive vision for the future of the Alex, these questions are completely understandable, and these questions will persist until my constituents see the investment in the Alex they’ve been promised.
“In 2019, I secured additional funding for the Alex. It follows the £29.6 million the Acute Trust was awarded in 2017 when I was first elected. The Trust told me they needed this funding increased to £31.9 million – and I secured the extra funding they needed two years ago now.
“There can be no more dither and delay. The Trust need to get on and get the business case submitted for the multi-million pound investment in the Alex’s operating theatres.
“Spades in the ground and the new theatres being built will send a clear signal to my constituents that their hospital is not going anywhere.
“This investment will go some way to repair the damage and to rebuild the trust between my constituents and the Acute Trust who are highly dubious and sceptical of the Trust’s intentions for the future of the Alex.
“However, we always return to one problem, and that is the Acute Trust and the people of Redditch have diametrically opposing visions for the Alex.
“Like you, I want the Alex to be a hospital where women can give birth and where children can be treated. This is not a vision the Trust shares.
“This is why I set-up my Alex Working Group with the Trust in order to intensify discussions over returning services to the Alex. I’ve also used these meetings to make it clear to the Trust that the temporary relocation of the Garden Suite must remain temporary.
“I believe all options should remain on the table when it comes to how services are returned to the Alex. It would be foolish to rule anything out.
“I can assure you that the Alex remains my top priority, and I won’t stop fighting until services are returned to the Alex.”