Rachel Maclean, MP for Redditch County, has given her response to the recent CQC report into Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.
Rachel said: “I am of course very disappointed Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust remains rated as ‘inadequate’ following the CQC’s latest inspection.
“I welcome the improvements recognised in the CQC’s report in that urgent, emergency care and medical care at the Alex and Worcestershire Royal have improved from ‘inadequate’ to ‘requires improvement’, and this is testament to the hard work of hospital staff and management.
“However I made it very clear in conversation with CEO Michelle McKay last night that while I welcome this hard work, especially by front-line staff, I expect better from her and her team on behalf of the people of Redditch. Mrs McKay assured me that now there is stability in the leadership team, the Trust can and will continue to improve.
“I put over my strong view that the people of Redditch have put up with this situation for a long period now, and it isn’t good enough. We deserve better, and I will continue to fight for better services and first class treatment.
“In terms of the capital funding that has been approved by the Government, I know people will be worried about this. I pushed Mrs McKay to give a firm timeline when work would begin and she said they expected to be able to give further news on this soon due to the helpful approach of the Government. I am calling for the Trust to be able to draw down funds to commission planning and surveying works, so the money can be spent on much needed improvements as soon as possible.”